
What Causes Keto Flu & how to cure & Prevent it

What Actually a Keto Flu is?

Keto flu is the set of symptoms some people might experience when first starting keto. It’s not actually the flu and definitely not infectious, but it can be quite tiring for anybody.

Keto flu symptoms are very similar to those like regular flu but can last anywhere from a day to a few weeks. We might experience headaches, fatigue, coughs, sniffles, irritability, and nausea.

Many people who experience these symptoms in the starting period of their keto diet might blame the diet but carbs are good after all.

Why Does Keto Flu Happen?

Lacking electrolytes, especially sodium in your body is the root cause of keto flu. In the start of Keto Diet as you cut out many processed foods and eat more whole, natural foods which are undoubtedly great but causes a sudden drop in sodium intake.
Also, Insulin levels are reduced by reducing carbs, which in turn decreases sodium stored by kidneys.
So your less sodium intake and stored sodium flushed by your kidneys, you would be low on sodium and other electrolytes.

Curing and Preventing the Keto Flu

The best way to cure or prevent keto flu is to add more sodium and electrolytes to your diet. Which you can add by  Adding more salt to your food or by Drinking soup broth or by Eating more salty foods like bacon and pickled vegetables.
You must try to eat more sodium as you start keto to prevent the keto flu entirely.
But If you catch it, just remember that it’ll go away quickly and you’ll emerge a fat burning machine!

Keto Flu Remedies

1. Drink Plenty of water

Keep Hydrating your body is vital but when you are on a keto diet it is a must.  If you do not drink enough water especially during keto diet, you can easily dehydrate and experience side effects. You can also add unrefined salt into the water.

2. Supplementing your diet plan with sodium, potassium and magnesium would ease your keto transition.

To get the potassium you can add avocados and leafy greens such as spinach to your diet.

Adding a little amount of crude salt to each meal and to water will help in maintaining sodium levels.

Magnesium is another vital mineral that can ease your transition to keto diet preventing the possible side effects. In fact, you don’t lose magnesium while limiting carbohydrates but it help’s you prevent and eliminate cramps, increase insulin sensitivity and improve sleep quality. You can add almonds, pumpkin seeds, and spinach.

3. Eat Plenty of fats.

Eat more fat to help your body adapt to the keto diet as fat is the main source of acetyl coenzyme liver cells, which are being used to make ketones.

4. Do Lignt Intensity Exercises or Walk especially in the mornings

When you wake up, fill the bottle with water and a pinch of salt, and go for a walk at a slower pace. It is recommended to walk about atleast an hour. This is the form of low-intensity exercise that will help increase fat burning and you will feel more active and better.

5. Relieve stress through meditation

When you begin the keto diet, you may feel more tense and more peevish than usual. This is due to the evidence that your cortisol levels are marginally higher than usual. To help decrease cortisol levels and improve overall well-being, it is best to do daily meditation for at least 15 minutes a day. Just inhale and exhale slowly and deeply by sitting silently which is the simple form of meditation relieving your mind from any thoughts and just silently and deeply focusing on inhaling and exhaling. Which is also another instrument for relieving  your stress

6. Taking good enough sleep is the key to success.

Enough Good sleep not also relieves stress but especially important for keto diets. Without this, cortisol levels will increase, which not only complicates keto-flu but could disturb your goal for adapting keto-diet. Taking sound sleep of at least 7-9 hours is recommended, you must switch off all lights and especially your phone to create an environment for good sleep

We Recommend following products for Curing and Preventing Keto flu

You can use Keto Strips to test yourself to know whether you have entered ketosis just after a few days of beginning the keto diet!. The ketone test strip will tell you the level of ketone bodies in your urine or blood. The simple rule is if the concentration is high enough, you’ve successfully entered ketosis!

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