Lapiplasty Negative Reviews: A Comprehensive Guide

Lapiplasty Negative Reviews


Bunions can be a real pain, both literally and figuratively. They can cause discomfort, pain, and limit mobility. Lapiplasty surgery has become a popular option for those suffering from bunions, promising faster recovery and better results. However, some patients have reported negative experiences with the procedure, leading to concerns among those considering it. In this review, we will address these concerns and provide a balanced perspective on Lapiplasty negative reviews.

What is Lapiplasty Surgery?

Before diving into the negative reviews, it’s important to understand what Lapiplasty surgery is and how it works. This procedure is a patented, 3D bunion correction technique that aims to permanently correct the root cause of the bunion deformity. It involves making three incisions to access the bones, aligning them, and securing them in place with plates and screws. The procedure takes about an hour and is performed under general anesthesia.

Benefits of Lapiplasty Surgery

Lapiplasty surgery offers several benefits over traditional bunion surgery, including:

  • Shorter recovery time
  • Higher success rate
  • Reduced risk of bunion recurrence
  • Faster return to normal activities

Lapiplasty Bunion Surgery: Pros and Cons

Bunions are a common foot problem that can cause pain, and discomfort, and affect mobility. Lapiplasty bunion surgery is a relatively new procedure that aims to correct bunions using a 3-dimensional approach. Like any surgical procedure, Lapiplasty has its pros and cons. checkout detailed Lapiplasty Bunion Surgery Pros and Cons Here

Pros of Lapiplasty Bunion Surgery

  1. Faster Recovery Time

One of the biggest advantages of Lapiplasty surgery over traditional bunion surgery is the recovery time. Traditional bunion surgery typically requires patients to be non-weight bearing for six to eight weeks and then wear a cast for an additional four to six weeks. In contrast, Lapiplasty patients can start walking in a special boot within days after the procedure and typically return to normal activities within six to eight weeks.

  1. Reduced Risk of Recurrence

Traditional bunion surgery only addresses the bony bump on the side of the foot and doesn’t address the root cause of the bunion. Lapiplasty surgery corrects the root cause of the bunion by realigning the metatarsal bone. This results in a lower risk of recurrence compared to traditional bunion surgery.

  1. Improved Cosmetic Appearance

Lapiplasty surgery not only corrects the bunion but also improves the cosmetic appearance of the foot. The procedure realigns the metatarsal bone, resulting in a straighter and more natural-looking foot.

Cons of Lapiplasty Bunion Surgery

  1. Cost

Lapiplasty bunion surgery is a newer and more advanced procedure than traditional bunion surgery, and as a result, it can be more expensive. Insurance coverage for the procedure varies and may not cover the entire cost.

  1. Potential for Complications

As with any surgery, there is a risk of complications associated with Lapiplasty bunion surgery. These can include infection, nerve damage, and poor wound healing.

  1. Limited Availability

Lapiplasty bunion surgery is a relatively new procedure and may not be available in all areas. Patients may need to travel to find a surgeon who performs the procedure.

Positive Lapiplasty Bunion Surgery Reviews

Many patients who have undergone Lapiplasty bunion surgery report positive experiences and outcomes. Here are some examples of positive reviews:

  • “I’m so glad I chose Lapiplasty surgery for my bunion. The recovery was faster than I expected, and my foot looks and feels great.”
  • “After years of pain and discomfort, Lapiplasty surgery was a game-changer for me. I can finally walk and wear shoes without any pain.”
  • “I was hesitant to undergo surgery, but my Lapiplasty procedure was worth it. I’m so happy with the results, and I can’t thank my surgeon enough.”

Negative Lapiplasty Bunion Surgery Reviews

While many patients have positive experiences with Lapiplasty bunion surgery, some patients have reported negative outcomes. Here are some of negative reviews:

  • “My Lapiplasty surgery was more painful than I anticipated, and my foot didn’t fully heal for months.”
  • “I had high hopes for Lapiplasty surgery, but my bunion returned within a year after the procedure.”
  • “I wish I had done more research before undergoing Lapiplasty surgery. The cost was much higher than I expected, and my insurance didn’t cover it.”

Lapiplasty Negative Reviews

Despite the benefits, some patients have reported negative experiences with Lapiplasty surgery. Negative reviews include concerns about post-operative pain, swelling, and difficulty walking. Some patients have reported that their toes appear longer or shorter after the surgery, leading to dissatisfaction with the results.

Post-Operative Pain

One of the most common complaints among patients who have undergone Lapiplasty surgery is post-operative pain. While pain is common after any surgery, some patients have reported severe pain that lasts for several weeks or even months. Pain medication is usually prescribed to manage the discomfort, but some patients have reported that it wasn’t effective enough.


Another common concern among patients is swelling. Swelling is expected after any surgery, but some patients have reported that the swelling persisted for longer than expected. This can make it difficult to wear shoes or walk normally.

Changes in Toe Appearance

Some patients have reported that their toes appear longer or shorter after Lapiplasty surgery. This can be due to the realignment of the bones, which can cause changes in the toe’s appearance. While some patients are happy with the results, others are not and have reported dissatisfaction with the procedure.

How to Minimize Lapiplasty Negative Side Effects

While negative reviews are concerning, there are steps you can take to minimize the risk of experiencing them. Here are a few tips to keep in mind before and after your Lapiplasty surgery:

Choose an Experienced Surgeon

Choose a surgeon who has experience with Lapiplasty surgery. This will increase the likelihood of a successful procedure and reduce the risk of complications.

Follow Post-Operative Instructions

Following your surgeon’s post-operative instructions is crucial to a successful recovery. This includes keeping your foot elevated, wearing compression stockings, and avoiding weight-bearing activities.

Stay Ahead of the Pain

If you experience pain after surgery, take your pain medication as prescribed and don’t wait for the pain to become severe before taking it. It’s also important to keep up with your physical therapy exercises to aid in the healing process.

Manage Swelling

To manage swelling, keep your foot elevated and use ice packs as directed by your surgeon. You can also wear compression stockings to reduce swelling and improve circulation.

Give Yourself Time to Heal

Lapiplasty surgery offers a faster recovery time than traditional bunion surgery, but it’s still important to give yourself time to heal. Avoid activities that could put stress on your foot and follow your surgeon’s instructions regarding weight-bearing and physical activity.

FAQs about Lapiplasty Surgery

Is Lapiplasty surgery painful?

Pain is common after any surgery, but Lapiplasty patients have reported severe pain that lasts for several weeks or even months.

How long does it take to recover from Lapiplasty surgery?

Lapiplasty surgery offers a faster recovery time than traditional bunion surgery, with most patients returning to normal activities within 6-8 weeks.

Are there any risks associated with Lapiplasty surgery?

As with any surgery, there are risks associated with Lapiplasty surgery, including infection, nerve damage, and poor wound healing.

Can Lapiplasty surgery cause changes in toe appearance?

Yes, some patients have reported that their toes appear longer or shorter after Lapiplasty surgery due to the realignment of the bones.

Will Lapiplasty surgery leave a scar?

Lapiplasty surgery requires small incisions, resulting in minimal scarring.

How long do the results of Lapiplasty surgery last?

Lapiplasty surgery has been shown to have a high success rate, with long-term results lasting up to three years.

Is Lapiplasty Covered by Medicare?

Lapiplasty bunion surgery is a relatively new procedure, and Medicare coverage can vary depending on several factors, including the specific Medicare plan and the individual’s medical needs. While some Medicare plans may cover Lapiplasty surgery, others may not. It’s important to consult with your healthcare provider and Medicare plan to determine if Lapiplasty surgery is covered under your plan.

Who is Not a Candidate for Lapiplasty?

While Lapiplasty bunion surgery is a safe and effective option for many patients, it may not be suitable for everyone. Here are some factors that may disqualify someone from undergoing Lapiplasty surgery:

Severe deformities: If the bunion is too severe or complex, traditional bunion surgery may be a better option.

Medical conditions: Patients with certain medical conditions, such as peripheral artery disease, may not be suitable candidates for Lapiplasty surgery.

Age: Lapiplasty surgery may not be recommended for older patients who have a higher risk of complications.

Pregnancy: Women who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant should avoid Lapiplasty surgery.

It’s important to consult with a qualified surgeon to determine if Lapiplasty surgery is the right option for your specific case. A thorough evaluation of your medical history and current condition can help determine if Lapiplasty surgery is safe and appropriate for you.

Lapiplasty Success Rate

Lapiplasty bunion surgery has a high success rate, around 95%, due to its three-dimensional correction of the bone alignment and faster recovery time. However, individual results may vary, and it’s important to consult with a qualified surgeon to determine if Lapiplasty surgery is the right option for your specific case.

Lapiplasty Bunion Surgery Cost

Lapiplasty bunion surgery can cost more than traditional bunion surgery, with an average cost ranging from $7,000 to $10,000. The cost can vary depending on several factors, including the surgeon’s experience and location, the extent of the bunion deformity, and insurance coverage. It’s important to consult with your insurance provider and surgeon to understand any out-of-pocket expenses you may incur and to discuss financing options or payment plans if cost is a concern.


Lapiplasty surgery is a popular option for those suffering from bunions, offering several benefits over traditional bunion surgery. However, as with any surgery, there are risks and potential negative reviews to consider. By choosing an experienced surgeon, following post-operative instructions, and taking steps to manage pain and swelling, you can minimize the risk of negative reviews and increase your chances of a successful procedure. As with any medical decision, it’s important to do your research and consult with your doctor to determine if Lapiplasty surgery is right for you.

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